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Why You Should Consider Providing an Education Package for Your Staff

A smiling female pharmacist, dressed in a white coat, assists a customer at the pharmacy counter, handing over a package. The shelves behind her are stocked with various pharmaceutical products.

In today’s fast-paced pharmacy environment, keeping your team updated with the latest industry standards is crucial. Discover how freeCE’s group memberships offer comprehensive continuing education to help your staff meet compliance requirements and improve patient care. With live and on-demand training tailored to various learning styles, our flexible packages provide ACPE-accredited and PTCB-approved courses that reduce medication errors and save your organization time and money. Simplify your training with freeCE and ensure your team is equipped to excel.

Your Guide to Pharmacy Technician Career Advancement

A smiling female pharmacy technician, wearing a white coat and holding a coffee cup and smartphone, stands in a well-stocked pharmacy.

As you navigate the many avenues for career growth as a pharmacy tech, one principle emerges: rely on continuing education to propel your journey forward. Whether you want to excel in hospital pharmacy settings, specialize in compounding techniques, or delve into the dynamic field of research pharmacy, the foundation of your success lies in continual learning and skill-building.

Pharmacy Diabetes Training For Pharmacists & Technicians

diabetes certiicate for pharmacy workers, pharmacy technicians and pharmacists

Maintaining competency in the treatment of diabetes is crucial for all healthcare professionals. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), there were 37.3 million Americans, roughly 11.3% of the population, with diabetes in 2019. Unfortunately, 8.5 million of those individuals were undiagnosed. In addition, there were 96 million Americans over the age of 18 who […]


ce requirements for pharmacy techs

Continuing Education (CE) is the best way to stay current in your practice as a pharmacy technician. The pharmaceutical industry is ever-changing, with new medications constantly coming out. Research has become a cornerstone for determining the effectiveness of current therapies and pursuing continuous improvement in practice.  In this blog post, we’ll review the benefits of […]

Introducing: Pharmacy Technician Bootcamp – Building the Backbone of Pharmacy Excellence

Pharmacy Technician Boot Camp Become A Pharmacy Technician Online

begin your journey to becoming a Certified Pharmacy Technician Enroll in the Pharmacy Technician Bootcamp today to gain one year of unlimited access to the course, plus exclusive access to freeCE’s PTCE Review and begin your journey to becoming a Certified Pharmacy Technician. In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, pharmacy technicians play a pivotal role […]

Mastering Pharmacy Inventory Management: Ensuring Efficiency and Patient Care

Supply Chain Management Inventory Management Certificate For Pharmacy Technicians

Effective pharmacy inventory management is a crucial component of providing quality healthcare services. A well-organized and optimized inventory system not only ensures the availability of essential medications but also contributes to streamlined operations and improved patient care. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the key aspects of pharmacy inventory management, exploring strategies to enhance […]

Navigating the Landscape of Pharmacy Billing and Reimbursement

Course for Pharmacy Billing & Reimbursement

Pharmacy billing and reimbursement are critical aspects of the healthcare system, ensuring that pharmacies can provide essential medications while maintaining financial viability. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of pharmacy billing and reimbursement, exploring key concepts, challenges, and best practices that pharmacists need to navigate in today’s dynamic healthcare environment. Table of […]

CE Deadline Coming Up in December? Get it Done Before the Holidays.

expiring ce deadlines license renewal 2023 pharmacy techs pharmacists

In the dynamic world of healthcare, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and knowledge is crucial, and this applies to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians as well. Continuing Education (CE) plays a vital role in ensuring that these healthcare professionals are equipped with the latest information and skills required to provide the best care to patients. […]

Veterinary Pharmacy

veterinary pharmacist training

How pharmacists can benefit from getting a veterinary pharmacy certificate When thinking about the responsibilities of a pharmacist, we normally think of activities like counseling patients on their medications or verifying prescriptions from doctors. One area that normally does not come to mind is helping treat animals, but there could always be a possibility in […]


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