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Treating Bruxism and Xerostomia In The Pharmacy

how to treat dry mouth and jaw pain in the pharmacy bruxism and zerostomia

We frequently see complaints of dry mouth in the pharmacy.  Most complaints can be handled with over-the-counter products.  Sugar-free lemon candies can be of great benefit, but if a patient is very ill, lemon and glycerin swabs can provide comfort. I have seen about 6 patients with severe dry mouths that required pilocarpine or cevimeline.  […]

Women’s Health: Pharmacist’s New Role in Contraceptives

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Women’s Health: Pharmacist’s New Role in Contraceptives In many states, the pharmacist’s role regarding birth control has changed in recent years to include the role of prescriber. Some states have started to give permission for pharmacists to start prescribing birth control, and the interest for this in other states is expanding (2). Despite this shown […]

What This Year’s Flu Season Has To Offer

Flu Season With September 23rd marking the start of fall this year, many people have started to look forward to what this colder season has to offer. Changing leaves, holidays, and school breaks are some of the things that first come to people’s minds. However, for many healthcare professionals and cautious parents, they know another […]

Learn The History of Mouthwash and Fluoride In Drinking Water- Impact On Pharmacy Workers.

history of mouthwash and pharmacy

In the 1930s, scientists examined the relationship between tooth decay in children and naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water. In 1945, the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, was the first to add fluoride to its city water system to provide residents with its benefits. Community water fluoridation has been identified as the most cost-effective method […]

Caring For Dentures

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Thanks to dental care provided to our generation by our parents and the beginning of the use of fluoride, very few people in my generation wear dentures. Due to lack of competent dental care, many family members in my parent’s generation wore dentures. I remember a lot of my relatives who had dentures only wore […]

Treating Sensitive Teeth & The Use Of Dental Floss

how to treat sensitive teeth and dental floss use

Dr. Rod says: I prefer using fluoride in my practice to desensitize the dentin. I try to stay away from the stannous fluorides because of the metallic taste. Compliance usually becomes an issue and patients just quit using it at some point. Recently I began to prescribe products such as MI paste ® (GC America) and […]

Virginia Pharmacists: Complete your CE Requirements with freeCE

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As Virginia’s Pharmacist License Renewal Deadline of December 31 approaches, look to free CE for your continuing education needs. As December 31 draws near, Virginia pharmacists are gearing up for their license renewal deadline. Continuing Education (CE) is an essential aspect of the healthcare profession, ensuring that pharmacists stay updated with the latest advancements, best […]

American Pharmacists Month, What You Need To Know

american pharmacy month

When Is American Pharmacists Month? American Pharmacists Month is celebrated throughout the month of October. It was started to recognize the outstanding contributions of pharmacists. Pharmacists are often unsung heroes, providing vital services like medication management, health education, and much more. This dedicated month gives us the chance to appreciate their essential work and dedication. […]

Louisiana Pharmacists: Complete your CE Requirements with free CE

pharmacist continuing education requirements louisiana

As Louisiana’s Pharmacist License Renewal Deadline of December 31 approaches, look to free CE for your continuing education needs. As December 31 draws near, Louisiana pharmacists are gearing up for their license renewal deadline. Continuing Education (CE) is an essential aspect of the healthcare profession, ensuring that pharmacists stay updated with the latest advancements, best […]

CE Deadline Coming Up in December? Get it Done Before the Holidays.

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In the dynamic world of healthcare, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and knowledge is crucial, and this applies to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians as well. Continuing Education (CE) plays a vital role in ensuring that these healthcare professionals are equipped with the latest information and skills required to provide the best care to patients. […]


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